Royal Holloway University London
CSE Connect ShareHub
Student-designed Professional Campus Cyber Security Awareness Video Material
​​This 2022 project, funded by the NCSC and led by Prof. Keith Martin at Royal Holloway, University of London, was to develop two high-quality videos aimed at raising awareness of cyber security issues on university campuses.
Many universities provide cyber security guidance to students in the form of advice on websites, local campaigns, induction training, etc. However, most of this advice is top-down messaging from those who govern security of the campus, and tends to be cheaply produced. We wanted to turn this on its head by producing videos that were:
​Bottom-up, in the sense that the messaging was designed by students, for students.
High-quality, by which we meant professionally directed and produced.​
We engaged a project team of Royal Holloway cyber security PhD researchers (Jessica McClearn, Jamie Barr and Taylor Robinson), who set up student focus groups on campus to understand what particular cyber security issues students were most concerned about. The research team then worked with professional film director Nicholas Hampson to develop two narratives that were converted into two short 5-minute films starring Royal Holloway drama students.
Access on ShareHub: Film 1 is based on phishing and cyber fraud.
Access on ShareHub: Film 2 is based on the risks of password sharing
These two films are available in a non-branded form, allowing universities to insert advice at the end of the film on how to report any relevant issues on their campus.
Accompanying the films are two additional folders containing material that could be used to promote them as part of a cyber security awareness campaign: